My Projects...
Personal ProjectIn progress...
Live, in-person games. Meet friends, create teams, and take on challenges! Built using Swift and GameKit.
Personal Project
A collection of various scripts I have created/used using the forgotten Applescript langauge. Everything from iMessage spammers to native app access for Reminders, Music, and more via terminal.
Website 2022
Personal Project
My personal portfolio built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap 5. Redesigned every year!
EECS 281 - University of Michigan
Created an RDBMS in C++ mimicking MySQL. Implemented using hash maps, nested data structures, and various hashing techniques for optimal performance.
EECS 281 - University of Michigan
Used Prim's algorithm to construct minimum spanning trees of coordinate points. Implemented Nearest Neighbor heuristic, Two-Opt, and Branch & Bound algorithm to find optimal solution to Travelling Salesperson.
PokemonPiazza Post Classifier
EECS 280 - University of Michigan
Applied machine learning techniques and natural langauge processing to identify the subject of a given post.
Worked with binary trees, templates, comparators, recursion, and maps.
EECS 280 - University of Michigan
Simulated the game of Euchre, supporting a AI player and a Human player. Worked with Abstract Data Types, Derived Classes, Inheritance, and Polymorphism.
Personal Project
A webapp for creating and studying with mnemonic devices. Features include user accounts, mnemonic generation, and flash cards. Built in Java with the Spring Boot framework.